Procolored Remote Expert Service

£50.00 GBP

Service Overview

For all customers who have purchased Procolored printer equipment but are beyond the 12-month warranty period, we offer extended warranty services, which include two programs: Remote Expert Service and Extended Warranty.

Remote Expert Service

Remote Expert Service provides remote online technical guidance with a response time of within 24 hours. The service provides comprehensive online technical support for both software and hardware issues, including but not limited to printer system troubleshooting, printer routine maintenance, software update support, printer operation consultations, among others.

Fee Structure:

  • 1-hour online technical support package: $50/hour
  • 1-month online technical support package: $199/month
  • 1-year online technical support package: $499/year

Purchase Requirement:

Applicable only to customers who have purchased Procolored machines.

Options: 1-hour online technical support package
£50.00 GBP
Procolored Remote Expert Service
£50.00 GBP

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Andreas Kaier