t shirt druck

Diese Produktkollektion umfasst verschiedene Arten und Größen von T-Shirt-Druckern, die besonders für kleine Unternehmen geeignet sind, die sich auf maßgeschneiderte T-Shirts oder andere Textilien spezialisiert haben. Im Vergleich zu Vinyl-Heißpressmaschinen bieten DTF (Direct-to-Film) und DTG (Direct-to-Garment) Drucker lebendigere Farben und größere Flexibilität bei den Druckmengen.

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Der höchste Preis ist £11,599.00
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T-shirt Printing

There are various technologies that can be used to transfer desired designs on different kinds of fabric, such as vinyl cutting, sublimation, DTG printing, DTF printing and embroidery. Considering factors like investment cost, printing quality and learning curve, both DTG and DTF printers are outstanding choices for small scaled businesses. 

For people who are running a print-on-demand T-shirt business, owning a t shirt printer allows you to make products at home quickly and shorten the order fulfill time. Through in-house printing, you can take full control on the printing quality and timely adjust your designs to meet the requirements of your customers. In long run, this can build up your business reputation and increase the trust from your customers.